I've been playing howrse since 2009, on and off. On international. Originally from Norway. My main goal for this game is to collect golden apple coats, and have them all trained and have a 100% BLUP. Therefore I am always looking for these items; Achilles Heel, Golden Apple, Helios Ray, Chronos Timer, Pilotes Stroke. If you have any you want to sell, or trade, please send me a PM with what you are looking for and I will consider. I usually don't buy horses who is already given golden apples, but if you have one you want to sell, you can always send me a PM and I will consider if I want it and give you an offer. I always accept friend request, and usually always send back tickets or help in events when asked. I absolutely don't bite, so dont be afraid to send me a message, however keep in mind that I am an adult player in my 20's.
Currently working on my account to get some system. I'm collecting golden apple coats, I am therefore often on the look out for golden apple, achilles heel, harmony pack etc. Horses are a mess at the moment as i am sorting them into tabs, blupping and coating horses. However, I usually don't sell horses unless they are listed for sale, so I would appreciate not being asked to sell horses.